

Written by Fernanda Santos | May 12, 2022 5:48:14 PM

Playing in a team means entering a process, being part of the gears, observing and generating value. Concrete exchanges of value, within the business agenda.

By Luiz Gustavo Mariano

Recently, I have observed several movements, in several sectors, mainly in relation to the leaders. Much is said about the moment of the decision to change and the onboarding process on the company side. But I see little discussion – let alone a more structured approach – from the point of view of the executive who arrives at a company.

How to act? How long to stay in the “study” phase? When to switch to run mode? These are some important issues that should be studied by professionals who are entering a new phase of their careers.

Below, I list the main points that can help these professionals in a practical way.

1 – Design and master the company's value map. What does that mean? Try to understand from the customer's vision to the internal processes: the entire product/service journey, mapping the differentials, the value proposition, the functions and the people. And yet, where are the real value levers for that specific company.

2 – Design the business value chain. Once point 1 is designed, understand the competitors, the value proposition of each player, their positioning and identify your potential customer's decision journey.

3 – Understand the objectives and their unfolding for each stage of the company's process, and how the gears are connected to each other and motivated (or not) to achieve this final objective.

4 – Connect the ideal links, input and output of your contribution to the process, which could improve in the previous, current and next stage, so that the final product of your stage collaborates better with the process and stimulates the other stages to enter the same journey.

5 – Know the difficulties of the stages around you and in your area, and act to help untie the initial knots.

6 – Get into the process, get to know the people involved, the management rituals, the decision-making model, the flow of information. Ask everything you can – and listen to everything. Take part before making conclusions or judgments, and operate so that you can finally create a diagnosis and start proposing an action plan to collaborate with the gear.

7 – Understand and monitor the company's main levers, what makes a difference and make a benchmark – not only in Brazil, because the world is there to learn as well. In addition, it is important to look beyond your little box: look at companies that are not direct competitors, but that have similar business models. You can always learn and be inspired.

Playing in a team means entering a process, being part of the gears, observing and generating value. Concrete exchanges of value, within the business agenda.

Following this script, you don't need to think too much about adaptation time, because when you least expect it, you'll be running and contributing naturally.

And believe me: it works for leaders, but also for all levels.

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