analysis that

When it comes to senior management positions in a company, making well-informed and bias-free decisions in hiring executives will make a difference to your business in the short, medium and long term. In some instances, however, two or three candidates with exceptional performance and similar profiles may make it to the shortlist, which can make selection harder. So, some questions arise: What criteria should I apply when both candidates are extraordinary? How can I pick the most favorable name for the position? Flow can help you by analyzing in depth the candidates, the position and the fit to your culture. So, with an expert second opinion, your choice has even greater chances of success.

Second opinion: a specialized and bias-free second opinion that empowers you to choose the most suitable candidate for your business, when there’s more than one candidate on your shortlist.

Selecting executives for top positions can greatly enhance your company performance, and each decision impacts the lives of all employees. But all too often, in senior positions, two or more candidates may have very similar experiences. Contrary to what common sense would say, the greater number of similar alternatives can be a challenge. First, because the choice will not be so obvious if we do not use concrete evaluation criteria. Second, because there is a risk of interference from so-called unconscious biases - when, for example, we relate more with one profile than another. At this point, having a second opinion will increase your chances of clearly seeing the difference between the name that sounds right and the one that actually is. Finding this answer increases your chances of long-term success, and impacts everyone positively.




More than analyzing the executive and the position separately, Flow seeks to understand the chances of success of this combination. This synchronous reading results in an in-depth assessment, capable of reducing the chances of frustration and enhancing the chances of success of your business with the chosen executive.

Entendimento do negócio.

Cras in bibendum sapien. Praesent commodo, arcu eu cursus finibus, ex libero commodo ipsum, id dictum turpis ligula et nibh.

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Suporte na construção da necessidade.

Curabitur finibus congue leo eget malesuada. Aliquam a orci sed nunc semper elementum sed et felis. Cras in bibendum sapien.

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Perfis acertivos.

Id dictum turpis ligula et nibh. Curabitur finibus congue leo eget malesuada. Aliquam a orci sed nunc semper elementum.

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Having an expert, well-informed and bias-free analysis can help you find the name with the greatest potential to implement your business strategy and boost your company's growth.

95% de acertividade

Ultrices odio eu enim hendrerit scelerisque. Integer hendrerit nisi nec est posuere placerat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

80% de contratações

Quisque ultrices odio eu enim hendrerit scelerisque. Integer hendrerit nisi nec est posuere placerat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

3% de churn

Tisi nec est posuere placerat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque ultrices odio eu enim hendrerit scelerisque. Integer hendrerit.

Talk to an expert

Every challenge a solution

Do you want to find and hire the right advisor to maximize your business performance in the short, medium and long term? Talk to Flow.

Assessment - predição de performance

Cras in bibendum sapien. Praesent commodo, arcu eu cursus finibus, ex libero commodo ipsum, id dictum turpis ligula et nibh.

Board search

Cras in bibendum sapien. Praesent commodo, arcu eu cursus finibus, ex libero commodo ipsum, id dictum turpis ligula et nibh.

executive search

Cras in bibendum sapien. Praesent commodo, arcu eu cursus finibus, ex libero commodo ipsum, id dictum turpis ligula et nibh.

Definição de perfil E papel dos gestores

Cras in bibendum sapien. Praesent commodo, arcu eu cursus finibus, ex libero commodo ipsum, id dictum turpis ligula et nibh.

remuneração executiva

Cras in bibendum sapien. Praesent commodo, arcu eu cursus finibus, ex libero commodo ipsum, id dictum turpis ligula et nibh.


Cras in bibendum sapien. Praesent commodo, arcu eu cursus finibus, ex libero commodo ipsum, id dictum turpis ligula et nibh.